October 6th
Barbholding Donovan for me yesterday when I was getting ready to change his boo boo bandages. He is massive! I’m so glad he’s better. We still watch him closely to make sure he sweats. Sometimes he does, sometimes he doesn’t. At least the temps are getting better which will help him – it will help all of us! It dipped below 50 degrees last night. Little E had to wear a lightweight blanket – he’s been known to shiver if it goes below 50.

Little E getting some scratches from Jenny today.

Ginger is so sweet! She’s a TWH mare looking for a forever home.

CaryLou enjoying the mister – he’s a hoot!

October 7th
Dr. Ted Specht came out today to x-ray Peaches, Classy, and Victoria’s front feet. Well, sometime through last night Peaches popped an abscess in her front right – we found her walking just fine this morning so we passed on her for x-rays. Classy has been having issues in her front right also.

Victoria is still very tender on both front feet and abscesses are still draining which has me a bit worried – infection is always a concern. She’s not run a temperature – she’s lively, alert, and has a great appetite. Today she was up and moving almost all day long. The last 2 days, she was down quite a bit. She’s been through so much – please keep Victoria and Classy, in your prayers. The indirect lightening strike back in July really shook her but she’s always maintained a positive and determined attitude. She has a lot of light and love in her eyes.

Victoria and Donovan – they are very good friends.

October 8th
The world from Ginger’s back. What a sweet girl!!!! I needed this!

October 9th
Good morning from Beauty’s Haven! I hope to get to the computer this evening after a busy day here at the rescue because I want to share what we learned from Classy and Victoria’s x-rays. Dr. Specht will be coming by on Saturday to discuss them in detail and to review their history and suggest our options. Dr. Julia and I will be in touch today – she is out of town this week. I will say it’s not good news but I’m praying there are options. We love these girls so much – we have to believe that there is hope. Please believe with us and send them good thoughts and prayers. We’ve experienced miracles here – we need two more. Believe…
I have to say that Ginger is wonderful under saddle. Kylie and I both got on her for just a bit last evening. We have beautiful sunsets here almost nightly.
Lisa giving Victoria some extra attention this morning.

Classy and Lucy graziing. Happy ponies.

Artist: Greg Ambrose
October 10th
Three amigos waiting for breakfast this am. Bouie, Frodo, Peggy Sue.

Our ‘Little Herd’ happily grazing.

Victoria has never lost her Arabian sass. She knows I’m in here making dinner!

And so ends an uneventful day at the rescue and believe me when I say that uneventful is good! Donovan had a hooficure – his feet are doing much better which makes me (and my back) happy. Victoria and Classy are holding their own. Classy hangs out quite a bit outside of Cookie’s stall window. Victoria hangs around the barn.
We reviewed Classy and Victoria’s most recent x-rays with the farrier today and will be meeting with Dr. Specht tomorrow. Dr. Julia will be back next week to see them. We will identify what our options are and go from there – I have a lot of faith in these two mares. For now, we try to keep them comfortable (so far we seem to be doing a good job – a couple of days were bumpy when we had heavy rains but we’ve had no rain for a few days now). We pray for many more years with them, and, we keep believing… Please keep them in your prayers.

Have a good night everyone – we are going to be calling it a day here real soon. I apologize to anyone that I haven’t responded to via emails or PM’s – I haven’t had much time at all in the office. Hopefully, tomorrow I’ll be in the office for a bit. I wonder what the big guy was telling JoJo?

October 11th
It was a really nice day and some horses got a much needed bath. This is Serenity – we are going to have Dr. Julia palpate her this coming week just to make sure she isn’t pregnant. She was the worst out of many horses we took in this past January – she was going to be shot because she was in such bad shape. She has not gone into estrus since she has been with us and we’re just seeing a couple of things that make us wonder. She’s such a sweet mare and has come a long way!

This is our son, Joshua, visiting with Classy. I do believe her feet are feeling slightly better. We haven’t had anymore rain.

JoJo having a conversation with Classy.

Ruby overseeing Paul cleaning the cobwebs out of the barn aisle-way. The aisle-way looks great! If only it would stay looking so good!

Katie came home for the weekend and got to ride Ginger for a little while today. Ginger is a petite little TWH mare that is so, so sweet! She’s looking for a forever home.

Look what y’all did for the horses!!! This is what a Village can do! Believe!!!

Have a great week, everyone!
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization