Thursday, August 28th
"Did you find my mask yet mommy Theresa?" He asks with a snicker on his face.
A bit later in the day…
"Joshua! I’m so glad you’re here! You were a little boy once, right? Can I tell you something? Mommy Theresa says I can’t go out in the sun without my flymask because of my nose – it gets burned easy and I don’t like that slippery stuff my aunties put on my nose – I just rub it right back on them and I don’t think they like it either! I really want to go out to play with CaryLou but yesterday my my mask kind of sort of disappeared and I’ve looked everywhere for it – I th…ink maybe somebody picked it up and put it in this trashcan. Can you help me look? You’d be my hero! Just take the lid off and see if it’s still there – oops – I mean let’s see if someone put it in there!"
"Sure thing JoJo. I didn’t like that sunblock stuff on my nose either when I was a kid! Here, let’s see – you’re in luck!"
"OMG you found it! I wonder how it got in there? Maybe CaryLou wanted to get me in trouble! He must have found it outside after the wind blew it away and then he sneaked in the barn to put it in there somehow. Well, can you tell mommy Theresa that you found it around the barn somewhere? Maybe the wind did blow it and it landed in here. But if you tell her now maybe I can go out to play! Thanks – you’re the bomb!"
"CaryLou why don’t you have to stay in the barn at night?"
"Because I’m not a baby anymore JoJo! Oh no, what did you do with your mask now – where’d it go? It wasn’t me! You blamed it on me last night – I know you did!"
"I got my get out of the barn mask – yeah! Wonder what we can do with it next time CaryLou? It was fun watching the humans look for it today."
Friday, August 29th
Attagirl is a really sweet girl.
Saturday, August 30th
Meet our latest arrival. He has a few medical issues going on but he will be fine. I got a call from our vet yesterday afternoon about a horse he had been called out to euthanize. But he couldn’t do it. He said the horse had light in his eyes. It’s sad that people are sometimes put into a position to have to make a decision to euthanize because of circumstances out of control. His owner loved him but just could not afford to keep up with his ongoing health needs. She was… in tears and didn’t want to have him put down but didn’t want him to suffer either. Deciding to euth is a responsible thing to do in some cases. Fortunately, our vet assured her that we would take good care of him and find him a good home when he is ready. She cried tears of relief. Our vet was relieved. And them we reached out for help to get him here. Steve and Karen Holgate made a bit of a drive to pick him up and bring him to the rescue which we appreciated very much. He settled into the qt paddock and seems very content. The farrier is here and is pulling his shoes today and fixing his feet up. We will try to get Dr. Bess out next week. He can only have a soft diet at this time. He’s loving talking to the other horses. He’s been a lone horse for awhile. Meet Handsome, a 10 year old Saddlebred.
I’ll go into detail tomorrow about our findings with Handsome today. I’m a bit discouraged, to say the least, but not really surprised. Have a good night everyone.
Sunday, August 31st
Sorry for the delay in getting on here today – it’s been busy. When Handsome arrived on Friday evening he walked ok but by the next morning he wouldn’t move. I didn’t want to bute him because the vet suggested Handsome had ulcers which were likely due to medication/stress related to his respiratory issue a couple of weeks ago. The farrier came yesterday and pulled his shoes (which were fairly new) and found a mess – thrush, shoes that were way too small for him and there w…as very deep carving marks and long bars. Once the shoes were pulled, thrush treated, etc. pads and Cavello boots were put on him. Handsome managed to get around a little but still wasn’t comfortable so by yesterday evening I did give him bute. Once it set in, he started to graze and walk.
I don’t know how he managed to walk on the trailer and unload and settle in just fine and graze the evening before unless perhaps he’d been given bute and we just didn’t know about it. I can’t speculate but had hoped to get the answer today but my phone call wasn’t returned. His feet are going to take some time to get better. We’ll see how he’s doing in a couple of days but we may need to get x-rays. The owner told the vet that Handsome had stopped eating a few days ago and started cribbing. Next will be an appointment with the dentist. He’s eating a mash little bits at a time but isn’t interested in hay – he isn’t comfortable with anyone touching his mouth. We have not seen him crib at all. If anyone would like to help with him our PayPal is bhfer. Other ways to donate can be found our website at Thank you.
Victoria and Lucy grazing today. Victoria is gaining strength in her back end. She took an indirect lightening strike several weeks ago.
Caught! CaryLou was trying to rip down JoJo’s sign again today!
Aaleyah Belle and her silly, lovable surgically corrected as best as possible wry nose. She still loves to slime people!
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Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization