November 25th
Dayo is on board now with Pine Valley Acres Transport ( on his way home to his human Deborah Snow in Maryland. It was hard to see him off for the last time. We had to load him on Pam’s trailer and then she helped transfer him onto the transport trailer (it was too big to get to where Dayo was living) at another location. It was a wonderful experience to be able to help and work with Dayo until he could go home. My time with him will always be remembered and treasured. He is accepting human touch now even though he is unsure. He needs to be brave – his entire world is changing. God bless you Dayo! Thank you, Deborah, for giving him a home and a chance. And yes, I’m going to be a nervous wreck until he unloads and settles in his new home.
Dayo has come a long way. He’s a good boy. Not a mean bone in his body.

He will make a very nice horse – he has an Arabian mind and heart.

And he is accepting of human touch now. I miss him, already.

Boo is almost as big as her momma! Daisy’s tumors have started to grow again. Another type of chemo has been started. Please continue to pray for her recovery.

November 26th
Dayo is home! Thank God and Pine Valley!
Mollie and Dr. Julia today.

Mollies eyes are doing well. Her HR and RR are still elevated. Her blood work came back and it’s better. It was a mess last week. The IV catheter has been removed and she is done with her antibiotics. It’s hard to believe she’s at least 3 years old. She’s pretty stunted. Dr. Julia did some work on Mollie and she felt even better by the time Dr. Julia finished her treatment. She is now happily munching on hay under her shelter. Now, let’s pray that she continues to improve and that she isn’t pregnant.

She’s not feeling great but she’s feeling better. She’s gained some weight too.

It was a very exciting day here this past Friday! Dr. Julia Simonson arranged for Janek Vluggen to visit Beauty’s Haven to work with Betsy Rose and Bella! Janek Vluggen D.O., MRO-EU, EDO® is from Germany and is recognized as the leading expert in the field of modern Equine Osteopathy. To say that I was amazed, would be an understatement! This was taken today of Betsy Rose running with Bronson! It’s short, but it will make you smile!
I got to ride today! If only for a few minutes. We don’t have any draft tack but a halter and lead rope was just fine.

We are an all volunteer 501(c)(3) non-profit equine rescue organization that operates totally off of donations from the public – we are not funded by County, State, or Federal funds. Please consider making a one time or automatic monthly donation to help us to help the horses. Funds are needed for vetting, farrier needs, hay, grain, dental needs, equipment maintenance, and there is so much more. There are various ways to donate – visit our "Donate" page on our website. Our mailing address is PO Box 53, Morriston, FL 32668. Our PayPal address is All donations are tax deductible and no amount is too small. We need to purchase hay and we need help with vet bills. Please share us with friends, family, and co-workers – it takes a village! Thank you!
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization