Bouie and Frodo made a break out yesterday – the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. LOL

Little Lily and her mom, Ebony, also took off. Like any of these 4 really need to gain any weight. Frodo wanted all of the grass to himself so he tried to chase them off – hopefully he ran off some calories.

Sisco had SCC when he came to us months ago. But he is doing well. We’ve been able to give him many months of a happy life and hopefully many more years to come.

Another Beauty’s Haven horse that we brought to Beauty’s Haven from a horrible situation last year. She landed in the arms of an angel. Thank you Jordan! Starlight grazing.

Starlight and Jordan!

Just look at beautiful Sienna! Thank you Kathy & Jamie!

This is Sienna the day we rescued her along with Dingolay (Layla) and Tonka back in May 2009.

And look at Legacy! Thank you, Jan Braakman for giving him the home and love he so deserves! Legacy came to us only a few days old in November 2009.

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization