Monday night:
"Freckles here! Betsy Rose is having another snack – she loves her watermelon! We’re about to get a good night’s sleep. Some of the horses are getting hooficures today and it’s going to be a busy day! We want everyone to know how much appreciate your support not only for my best friend, Betsy Rose, but for all of the 40+ horses here at the rescue – it takes a village!
Beautiful Betsy Rose
Betsy Rose… she believes!!
Betsy Rose walked all the way from the back of the barn to the front! With spotters, of course!
Getting ready to go back in sling.
Thank you “Horse and Man” for making Betsy Rose your current Bucket Fund recipient!
MEET BETSY ROSE. THERE ARE NO WORDS… June Bucket Fund Welsh Pony Mare. Click here:
Someone asked for a picture of LadyBug – the mare with one ear. I took this just a bit ago – she’s at the barn getting a hooficure.
Everyone who supported Harvey by donating for his surgery, praying for him, and sending good thoughts – look what we did! His little leg is working really well!!
Ariel and Celesta are settling in with their adoptive family. They are adored, already. It’s always hard to let them go but they all deserve their own family. And really, the way I look at it, our family circle just keeps getting bigger with the addition of human adopters!
Tomorrow we hope to announce a fundraiser to help Cookie – a 15 year young Paint mare. Dr. Ryan was out to look at a spot just under her left eye yesterday – it’s that dreaded "C" word – squamous cell carcinoma. Cookie is tentatively scheduled to go into the hospital next week to have it surgically removed. It does not appear that the eye itself has been compromised and we are very thankful for that. She had been adopted out but came back a few months ago. If anyone would like to help to sponsor Cookie’s surgery and aftercare please let me know – we need to raise $1000 – $1200. Donations are tax deductible and no amount is too small. If anyone makes a donation to help with Cookie please annotate it or send me a PM. Thank you.
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization