From yesterday:
CBC IS NORMAL!!! This is such a relief!
Joint ill would have been bad, very bad.
This little guy has a chance to live a good life – please help us give it to him!

I decided to go to the hospital – Ocala Equine Hospital. There is a vet here that has performed the surgery Harvey needs. There is no way I can keep this little tyke from hurting himself and I need to better understand what the options are. Harvey is all over the place on three legs. 
Getting x-rays – everyone loved him and he was such a good boy! Harvey’s issue is congenital – the kneecap didn’t land where it was supposed to in utero. Issues like this are not uncommon in miniatures horses. CaryLou’s issue is another good example.

Back at the rescue. Surgery is needed as soon as possible – it’s scheduled for Tuesday. We need to raise about $2300. 
I feel much better understanding the problem – seeing the x-rays really helped. And we know our options – surgery or euthanasia. Well, we really don’t have an option, IMO. This little guy was born, couldn’t get up to nurse, and was found by his owner (not sure how long he’d been born before being found – the owner had been out of town) still on the ground. He was taken to a hospital with his mom where they ran tests on him and he had to have plasma. He was put on antibiotics. It’s a miracle he survived and thrived to be the healthy little tyke he is – except for the kneecap issue.
Here is a little more about how he came to us. On Monday the owner knew she either had to have Harvey put down or seek help – she did a search on the Internet for miniature horse rescue and came across Warrior’s story (a mini we lost last year due to severe neglect). His story led her to our website and she called me. She’d already named the baby Harvey. She told me Harvey means Warrior and she felt she was led to us for a reason. When I learned they were located in South Carolina my heart sank. BUT – then I remembered! Pam (our transporter) was coming down the East Coast the next day! Was there a higher power involved in this? Yes, I do believe so! Could Pam make a 4 mile detour off the Interstate do get Harvey and his mom? She didn’t hesitate to say yes. I spoke to the vet in SC and she assured me, strongly, that the baby was healthy and strong enough to withstand the trip. And so they arrived here – both happy and healthy (except for his knee cap). He’s come a long way and he deserves a chance.
This guy has a good chance of living a comfortable life – he would be able to run and play like a little boy should (see CaryLou’s video! LOL!).

The vet, Dr. Lugo, was scheduled to go out of town today for the weekend. By scheduling the surgery for Tuesday (Monday is a holiday) it gives us time to raise needed funds and ensures Dr. Lugo will be the surgeon – he has performed this surgery on equine and cows. He could have done it this am but he preferred to wait until Tuesday so he would be in the area should Harvey need him after the surgery.
“Yo Harvey! It’s me – CaryLou! The hospital isn’t a fun place to be but no worries! Just wait until you can run and play with me – we’re going to have a blast! I’m going to ask people to help you! Have faith little guy – CaryLou to the rescue!”

And I do believe if CaryLou could do it on his own, he would be here typing this instead of me, asking for help for his friend. He’s another “I can do it!” baby (will be 2 months tomorrow). Actually, he’s more of a “I AM DOING IT!” boy! LOL
Harvey’s odds are 50/50 but I think that is great! Solace’s odds were like less than 10% but look at him now! Attitude has a lot to do with it IMO. And like Solace, Harvey is a “can do” little horse. He’s only about 23 lbs. He’s all over the place – he loves life and he deserves a chance. God led him to us for a reason. Please help us to help Harvey – we need to raise about $2300 to have surgery done on Tuesday. This baby deserves to live! I can just picture Harvey and CaryLou playing in the future – what a sight that will be!
Donations can be made various ways via the “Donate” (Theresa. No amount is too small. Donations are tax deductible. Please share Harvey’s story with others. It’s going to take a village but I have faith.
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization