December 16th, 2012
This horse was found wandering down a road in south Florida, very close to death. He reportedly walked away from an illegal backyard slaughter operation. He obviously has no meat on his bones that would bring money. When starved, a body feeds off its fat, then muscle, then its organs which is where this horse is. By the grace of God, and the help of a few, he found his way to us in the wee hours this morning. Here, he has found solace just as Hollie and the Christmas Trio (Nevada, Sachet, and Noelle) have. I don’t know why the name “Solace” came to me the first time that I touched him, but it did, and so it is. Maybe the events of this past week – I’m sure many of us are seeking solace – I hope we all find it too.
There are pictures below that some may consider graphic. If you don’t want to see them then please don’t scroll down. But I choose to share what these horses go through and what we do to help them – the good, the bad, the ugly. It’s a roller coaster ride and you are all invited to ride with us. You can follow his progress and see how your donations are used. He looks like he just walked out of a concentration camp. 
Dr. Tanya scored Solace a 0.5 on the Henneke Body Condition Score scale. Horses that get down to a 1 don’t usually survive. This says something about his will to survive. His stool is full of sand and he has little energy. He was very cooperative with when he was oiled. Dr. Tanya thinks he is still a stud but he is so thin she really couldn’t say for sure. His rehab will take some time – it must go slow and steady. Too much, too soon, could kill him. He needs a miracle and hopefully, it will come.
At some point in his life Solace sustained blunt trauma to his mouth – his top front teeth are on a pretty bad angle and there is a scar in the gum line. Dr. Tanya couldn’t tell how old he is but he is aged. His teeth are just so messed up – we will have the dentist out soon. 
His temperature was low normal. Blood tests are being done and a stool sample was taken.
When Solace poops, it flows in the hollow under his anus which is chaffed and irritated (this can cause infection) and then it runs down his legs. We hope to give him a warm bath very soon. 
He got fluids (including vitamins) via IV. He was a perfect patient and seems content being here. I think he knows we care. 

As much as I don’t like asking for it – we need help. Today’s vetting was $490 and the transport cost from to get him here (he was 4 hours away) was a very good price but it wasn’t inexpensive.
I know Christmas is upon us and pockets are empty but please know that any amount of a donation helps. One of our volunteers told me a few minutes ago that she collected all of her lose change and it came to almost $40 – she is donating it to help Solace. If many people do this it will all add up. If you’d like to call a credit into the vet’s office the number is 352-237-6151 and, again, no amount is too small.
We are still nursing Hollie, Nevada, Sachet (she is better), and Noelle back to health. They were all in bad shape too but they are slowly recovering. I don’t know why these 5 horses came to us but I’m glad they did. But again, we need your help. Tax deductible donations can be made via PayPal to or via our “Donate” page at
His body has withered away to bones and I hate to think of his past and the stories he could tell of what he has lived through. His love for life, and will to live, must be strong for him to have survived and find his way to us. Most others would euthanize him. But I see a flicker of light in his beautiful eyes. Somehow, I think he realizes that his life is beginning again, with people that will love him unconditionally and properly care for him. Will he recover? We choose to believe he will. Please keep Solace in your prayers.

Today is our Christmas gathering with our wonderful volunteers. They will get to meet Solace as well as Hollie, Noelle, Nevada, and Sachet. God bless and I’ll update more when I can. Thank you all for your support.
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
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