It’s been awhile since I put out an update – it’s been extremely busy here. But I didn’t want to go into the weekend without getting one out especially knowing starting Monday things may be even worse here with the potential of Isaac moving this way and we’ll be preparing for it.
Pam brought Legacy over for a visit last week. Amadeus came up for a trim while he was here. They said “hi” through the round pen panels. It’s hard to believe that Legacy is as tall as Amadeus! Legacy has settled in well at his new home – his other mom stays in touch almost daily. She’s learning how much Legacy loves to play in water! Legacy and Baby Ray would dunk their heads into the waterers almost to their eyeballs!

Domino is doing good at foster mom, Pam’s. These pictures were taken last week when Domino got her hooficure here at the rescue. Domino didn’t really care for it but she did ok. That’s Ruby in the background – she’s never been very happy with another horse being close to her stall in the barn. Except for Beauty that is – Beauty rules the barn. Always.

Penelope and Penny are doing better each day. Penny has had a growth spurt and even can be seen running around a bit now and then.

Penny is much more alert and curious about everything. She stands much taller and looks much healthier.

And this is Willow after Jenny gave her a bath today. Willow is an absolute love and has a human (Pam) coming to visit with her for the 2nd time tomorrow – she may have found a home that isn’t very far from us! She’s put on some weight, her boo boo’s are almost all gone – there is just one on her tail that is still mending. She must have been allergic to the huge black flies where she came from. She’s got a beautiful mind.

Dr. Julia worked on Beauty yesterday – Auntie Kathy spent a good part of the day at the rescue and helped with her treatment. I’m very happy to report that Beauty is getting better each day. When Beauty feels better, I feel better. J Her abscess popped a few days ago and that helped. She still has issues in her sacrum area and there is some concern about possible cranial nerve damage.

This is Warrior and Ouiji. They were adopted out last year and were a part of a wonderful program at a troubled teens facility. Unfortunately, the program is no more. We picked them up a few days ago. They are looking for a home – together. Warrior is laid back and Ouiji is a spirited one. Warrior was born in 1999 and Ouiji in 1997.

This was taken a couple of days ago – we’ve had some serious rains but we have been given a reprieve for a couple of days. Starting early week we may start feeling the effects of Isaac. It looks like it was raining mini’s! We have two pair that are looking for homes. Homes must be within a couple of hours of driving distance from the rescue. They are really easy keepers and really can make you smile. They are all sweet – very sweet. This is Lobo, Chico, Ouiji, Warrior in front of Rambo, and Peggy Sue off to the side trying to figure out what they are running around for when they should be under cover which is where she was headed.

And updates on some of the adopted ones….
Nash loves his new home – and his new mare friends!

Mystical – the Friesian cross mare – she is doing very well. She’s actually an across the street neighbor to Sayan who is also doing great.

Remember Sammi and Joy? Joy is beautiful – just like her momma! Look how big Joy has grown – she’s a big girl now!
And here is Ghost – he is so loved and happy!

I am sorry about the small number of updates I have been putting out. I like to share with what is going on here – I love to share pictures. But I haven’t been doing it nearly as much as I used to or as much as I’d like. Believe me when I say it isn’t because I don’t want to – we’ve just been super busy and some volunteers have been gone for the summer. But please know that if I don’t get an update out for a few days it’s only because I’m swamped outside with the horses.
We have several horses available for adoption. We need to find them homes in order to free up room for others in need – this winter is going to be hard on so very many. If you don’t see what you are looking to adopt on the website visit our “Beauty’s Haven Equine Rescue Adoption Page” on Facebook at:!/groups/281532335275853/. I admit that our website is out of date and needs a lot of work – we are working on it. And we are working on our first newsletter which we hope to have out by the middle of September if not sooner. We have a lot of things in the works and planned – fundraisers, clinics, volunteer recruiting, etc.
I know we’re all feeling the effects of the economy. I worry about donations almost all of the time. We need help – the costs associated with caring for the horses and running the rescue are high. We try to keep them to a minimum but we need help. Spread the word about us – share us on Facebook under “Beauty’s Haven Equine Rescue” at If more people know about us, perhaps more will find a few dollars they can donate or some other way to help. Perhaps some have coupons for Purina or Nutrena feed that they could mail to us?
Here are some of the things that we currently need help with:
· Dr. Bess is coming again next week. We need sponsors for three mini’s, Willow, and Morgan-La-Faye to get their teeth done. Any dental treatment sponsors out there?
· We need sponsors for quite a few hooficures coming up – would anyone like to sponsor a hooficure?
· Horse size flymasks (long)
· Breakaway halters (Arabian, Small Horse, and Horse sizes)
· Help with vet bill. This can be called directly into Peterson & Smith at 352-237-6151. Last month was very hard on us – Starbuck, Bella, Chico, Lobo, Warrior, Lacey, Gentleman, Penelope, and Penny.
· Hay – credits can be called into Larson’s at 352-867-8333 or Quality Hay at 352-529-0888.
· Flyspray
· Shavings ($4 per bag but we must get 60 bags at once to get this price)
· Peggy Sue needs a small muzzle. I hate to do this to her but she’s getting to pudgy which make it harder for her to get around. Oh wait! We may have one from when Aaleyah Belle had to wear one after her surgery – I’ll search the storage area tomorrow. Fingers crossed!
· I know some don’t like to donate towards things that are not directly impacting a horse but sometimes things depend on how you look at them. We need six tires for the rescue’s truck, Big Red, at $150 each tire + mounting + balancing. This truck helps every horse here getting feed and hay. It enables us to pull the trailer when we have to move a horse or take one to the hospital. We’ve put this off as long as possible.
· Spirit needs a hay rack for her shelter.
· Cetyl-M – a few of our horses are on it for arthritis
· Money for top boards – they are $8 each. On average, we have to replace one to two a week. It may seem like a small thing but added up over time it is a lot.
· The tractor needs maintenance to the cost of about $350.
· The golf cart needs maintenance/repairs to the cost of about $110.
· Funds for 2 pallets of sod – $100 each. We need this to help with erosion issues. We put down 2 pallets about 2 weeks ago and it is doing well but it wasn’t nearly enough.
Any amount of help is greatly appreciated. All donations are tax deductible. We wish all of you a happy and blessed weekend and we thank you for your continued support!
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization