From Big to Small – We Love Them All! Sept 28th ~ Oct 1st, 2015 Update

September 28th

Jenny and I gave the big guy a bath yesterday, although I think we ended up just as wet! Donovan is a magnificent horse.

The minis got some play time out of their paddock over the weekend.

Poor Jazzy. Duke was rubbing it in that he fits in the golf cart just fine.

Penny has seen the boys climb halfway into the golf cart a few times. So, what does she do? I think someone forgot to tell her that she’s not a miniature donkey like they are. That cute face really made me want to try to figure a way to get her in just to make her happy!

September 29th

Prayers for Betsy Rose please. The vet just cleared a choke.

September 30th

I open the workshop door to go into the house and almost trip over two little donkeys. Cute little Jazzy likes to put his nose up for kisses. JoJo is the serious one – always on guard duty.

Barbara helped us spoil Foxy a bit more last weekend.

Foxy loves scratches! Marie kept Foxy busy so I could get the golf cart out of the barn without her trying to hijack it.

Timmie has her own cooler to stand in front of but she likes Betsy Rose’s better. We have to shoo her away at times.

Frodo and Bouie have been best buds for years.

Of all places to want to nap. Right in the very middle of the barn aisleway. Foxy and her mom are looking for a forever home.

This is what the boys like to do at night. They rearrange the poop buckets and anything else they can find. Sometimes, they pretend they are a mini rock star band and that the buckets are their drums. And when they play their drums it makes Max howl. OMG never a dull day or night!

I wonder how long it will take Donovan to undo all we did to fix the erosion at his gate today. Well, he’s a great sand compactor.

It was a great day to get some things fixed up. Bob was happy to be back on the tractor.

It was a beautiful day but I spent much of it in the office trying to get caught up on some things.

It’s always a blessing to have unexpected help!! Thank you Angelo! JoJo, of course, has to be in the middle of everything!

October 1st

Sawyer needed an exam and treatment and full blood work by Dr. Julia Simonson today as he’s not been feeling well. Please keep him in your prayers.